Thursday, July 2, 2009

Lock Folder Easily

There are number of software which locks folder and drive to protect our confidential data. But there is a simple way of doing it this article will cover it in a nutshell.
Difficulty: Easy(Work with Notepad)
Risk: Medium(Registry Editing)
Ok then why waste money on such tools when we can do it with a simple!! registry tweak? But dont blame me i did not warn you,Before you attempt these tweaks, please make sure that you have a backup of your registry, just in case something locks us down before we do.

1) Locking Folders: Within control panel
Consider we want to lock a folder named secret in our drive D:\ whose path is D:\secret then all we have to do is open the Notepad and use ren(rename command) as
ren secret secret.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} Where "secret" is your folder name. Save the file as lock.bat in the same drive. Open another new notepad file and type the following ren secret.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} secret Save the text file as unlock.bat in the same drive. Now to lock the secret folder, simply click the lock.bat and it will change into control panel icon which is not accessible. To unlock the folder click the unlock.bat file. Thus the folder will be unlocked and all of its contents are accessible once again.

2) Locking Folders: Within Image file
Step 1: Create a folder in D:\Lock
Step 2:. Put all the files you want to hide in it, along with an JPEG image that you would like to show when double clicked.
Step 3: Select all of the files you want to hide, and create a ZIP or RAR file with them using a program you like some of them are 7Zip , WinRAR , WinZip etc.
Step 4: Now you should have your archive zip or rar file next to your files that you want to hide, even though they are in the archived file already with the JPEG image we would like to hide all of them in it.
Step 5: Now open command prompt Go to “Start,” “Run,” and type cmd.
Step 6: Now navigate to the Drive and into our lock folder the path must be like this D:\Lock> change lock to the folder which you have created.
Step 7: Now type copy /b fake.JPG + lock.rar fake.jpg
(Note: Replace the name “fake” with the name of your image, and replace “lock.rar” with the name of your compressed file.)
Step 8: If all goes well we should receive a response “1 file(s) copied.”
Step 9: Bingo thats it now we have hidden all our files inside the jpg image.
Step 10: Now to retrieve the files in our image, all we need to do is right-click on the image and select "Open With"and select “7zip” or the name of the program you used to archive the original files.

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